1·Pattern classification is a kind of technology used in a lot of project fields including automatic control monitor, image recognition, troubled diagnose, supplies compound, medical diagnosis, etc.
2·Dubbed "the internet of things", this is already making it possible, for example, to control home appliances using smartphone apps and to monitor medical devices remotely.
3·"With the information, the workers in the center can control the stations' lighting and temperature, monitor trains' operation and deal with emergencies," said Zhu Dianping, from CR Beiing.
4·Monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol levels to keep them under control.
5·The Change Control Manager ensures that the it Operator can monitor the new solution and that the housekeeping procedures required by the solution are in place.
6·Therefore, in order to monitor and control process creation, all we have to do is to hook those API functions that cannot be bypassed by the code that is about to launch a new process.
7·This photo story documents the combined efforts of WHO and its partners in the Global outbreak Alert and Response Network to monitor, investigate and control the outbreak of Marburg fever in Uganda.
8·They play a vital role as main control measures to assure meat safety and of course to identify and monitor animal diseases.
9·Monitor your blood sugar and blood pressure often. Do your best to keep them under control.
10·Whether it is a single remote carrier monitor, beacon receiver or any combination of our product line, they will have complete control and feedback of their system from anywhere in the world.